Home »Trekking Tour » Bhaba Pass Trek

Bhaba Pass Trek

Tour Detail

The trek starts from Kinnaur, which is lush green and finishes in barren Spiti region with stark landscape. The trip also offers a chance to visit many Buddhist monasteries, different culture and tradition in 'Little Tibet'

The results of old contacts with Tibet are still visible in the fairs and festivals and other customs of the people in the remote areas. The extended family system is still prevalent in the region. Polyandry prevails in the villages. The people of the region practice fraternal polyandry and the patriarchal system of inheritance. All the brothers of the bridegroom are considered automatically the husbands of the bride. Polyandry helps to perpetuate the name of their family and safeguard the family property from fragmentation. The polyandrous tribes of the Himalayas can be compared with the Pandavas of the ancient Indian epic of Mahabharata, who are believed to have had a polygamous system. However, such marriages are on the decline.

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