Home »Trekking Tour » Parang La

Parang La

Tour Itinerary

Day 1: Kaza - Dumla (18km/4hrs)

Drive through Ki (one can visit the monastery here to Kibber village at 4205m, is one of the highest inhabited settlements in India. The famous Ki gompa is just 10 kms away and can be visited before beginning the trek. Kibber to Dumla is an easy walk but take your time, as these Spitian gorges are renowned for being hard-going.

Day 2: Dumla - Thaltak Meadow 4875M (7kms/5hrs)

Descend to the gorge bed and start the climb towards the pass, a steep walk to Thaltak Meadow where you camp for the night. The scenery is wild and the gorge is deep. Even at this height the sunlight reflected from the walls of the gorge causes the temperature to soar.

Day 3: Thaltak - Jagtha - Bonrojen 5180M (14kms/7hrs)

This is a long and strenuous day walking to Jagtha - 8kms at 15,700 ft. and then 6kms to Bongrojen at 17,000ft.

Day 4: Bongrojen - Dak Karzong 4940M (10 kms/5hrs)

Leave early for the pass. The final 4 kms is a steep 2-hour climb to Parang La at 18,300 ft. The pass lies on the trade route between Ladkah and the Spiti valley. There are some great views of the Spiti and the Changthang valleys from the pass. Parilungi, a conical peak, is the first Ladakhi peak visible from Spiti. From the pass, we descend to the source of the Pare Chu river. After the pass, the landscape changes dramatically from steep gorges to broad plains. Camp at Dak Karzong

Day 5: Dak Karzong - Datang Yongma 4725M (12kms/5hrs)

The route for the next 3 days is in a fairly open valley with a well-marked trail on the left bank of the Pare Chu. Camp overnight at Datang Yongma.

Day 6: Datang Yongma - Chumik Shilde (16kms/5-6 hrs)

Today we follow the trail to Racholemo (14000 ft.) then Norbu Sumdo (14400 ft.) and across to Chumik Shilde. Start early, as the winds can be strong in the afternoons.

Day 7: Chumik Shilde - Tso Moriri 4510M (14kms/5hrs)

Today we walk across the plains to the southern edge of the oval-shaped Tso Moriri at Kiangdom, named after the kiangs (wild Tibetan asses) which roam here freely. The lake breaks into several channels here to create a vast wetland, the breeding ground of several rare species of birds.

Day 8: Tso Moriri - Karzog 4527M (15 kms/6-7hrs)

The last day of the trek passes along the shore of Tso Moriri . The view of the lake with Lungser Kangri (6666m/21,871ft.) in the background is absolutely unbeatable. The walk is longer than it looks and with the afternoon winds you will be tired when you reach Karzog. Visit the ancient monastery in Karzog, where the Changpas roam the pastures with their flocks of pashmina goats and still live in yak-skin yurts.

Day 9: Karzog - Leh (213 kms/8-9 hrs)

Drive to Leh via Mahe Bridge. Overnight in Leh.


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